January Income Report

As my first income report, I would like to preface my post with this: Holy sh*t, Batman! I have always dreamed of making money from my own website, but wasn’t quite sure if it was possible. Sure, I’ve had a couple of freelancing gigs. I…

The Secret To Work-Life Balance

A friend said, “Enlighten me on how you manage to mom/student/big girl job all at once bc I can’t get anything DONE. Also!!! Motivation. I have zero of it.” Time management is hard, you guys. But here’s the secret: it doesn’t have to be…

Creating Cohesive Family Schedules

Here’s how I make scheduling family and work less stressful and more fulfilling. Whether you’re trying to balance multiple obligations of your own, or simply coordinating the schedules of a big family, my method can help…

Keeping A Clean House When You Have A Toddler

Just because our children have ALL THE THINGS doesn’t mean we can’t stay organized and have a clean house! Here are my four tips to staying tidy with a toddler…

19 Books For 2019

Let’s be honest, as an English major it can be so difficult to enjoy reading for fun. Once you’ve learned certain writing and analysis techniques, you read differently and there is no off switch…

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