As my first income report, I would like to preface my post with this: Holy sh*t, Batman! I have always dreamed of making money from my own website, but wasn’t quite sure if it was possible. Sure, I’ve had a couple of freelancing gigs. I…
A friend said, “Enlighten me on how you manage to mom/student/big girl job all at once bc I can’t get anything DONE. Also!!! Motivation. I have zero of it.” Time management is hard, you guys. But here’s the secret: it doesn’t have to be…
Here’s how I make scheduling family and work less stressful and more fulfilling. Whether you’re trying to balance multiple obligations of your own, or simply coordinating the schedules of a big family, my method can help…
Just because our children have ALL THE THINGS doesn’t mean we can’t stay organized and have a clean house! Here are my four tips to staying tidy with a toddler…
Let’s be honest, as an English major it can be so difficult to enjoy reading for fun. Once you’ve learned certain writing and analysis techniques, you read differently and there is no off switch…