Spring Cleaning, Part III: Clearing Out Your Closet

ICYMI: Here are links to Part I and Part II of the spring cleaning in fall series before reading about clearing out your closet.

Cleaning out and reorganizing closets is probably my favorite part of decluttering.

Originally I was going to title this post “Cleaning Out Your Closet” but I didn’t want to sound like I’m ripping off Slim Shady. (I’m aging myself a little bit, it’s fine LOL.) So I decided “Clearing Out Your Closet” was a good second choice.

There are so many cool things hiding in there – no, not skeletons – like old clothes I thought I donated months back, a box with random costume jewelry, or the forgotten spare key to my car. But when I declutter my closet it’s like breathing fresh air into my entire home. I don’t feel as overwhelmed by clothing choices in the morning when I’m not bombarded with a hundred options.

If you’re tired of dealing with a packed closet, have no fear!

We are going to eliminate all the junk in one big sweep this week. First things first: don’t stress yourself out trying to hit all the closets in one day. If you have a full day to get them all done, great! If not, no biggie. Just pick one closet per day this week to knock out.

The best approach I have found to clearing out your closet is a three-step method:

Step One: Pull everything out.

Yep, everything. I want your closet to be bare bones. Take all the boxes, totes, buckets, organizers, clothes out. Don’t leave even a single clothes hanger in there.

Step Two: Marie Kondo that shit.

You know exactly what I’m talking about – I want you to find the things that truly spark joy. That sweater that makes you feel cute AF at the office? Keep it. That old bedding set that is too small for your new mattress and you’ve been holding onto “just in case”? Scrap it. Find a new home for items that you want to keep but don’t belong in the closet (i.e. scrapbook materials that should go in the craft room).

Step Three: Sort your leftover items.

Donate – Sell – Recycle. Once you’ve decided what doesn’t spark joy, figure out what items are in good enough condition to sell for extra cash. You can sell through Facebook Marketplace, Ebay, or even a secondhand clothing store. Donate items that you cannot sell but are still in wearable condition. Recycle clothes that have stains, tears, or holes in them.

Everything is sorted. Now what?

It’s time to put your kept items back in the closet. But don’t just throw them in! Use this Pinterest board for closet organization inspiration. Personally, I like to sort my clothes by type: work polos, casual tees and tanks, dressy tops, flannels, rompers, dresses, jackets. I also maintain visual order by using matching hangers, and remove any empty hangers weekly to clear up space.

Remember my golden rule for keeping vs. tossing items while decluttering – if you haven’t used/worn it in a year or longer, get rid of it!

What cool things did you find hidden in the back of your closet? Tell me in the comments below!

We are going to eliminate all the junk in one big sweep this week. Here's my three-step method for clearing out your closet! #springcleaning #fallcleaning #falltodo #cleaninglist #closetclutter


  1. Cindy Dilworth | 25th Aug 19

    Thank you! This is something that I have been needing to do and can’t believe its already Fall. But, I can clean my closets out anytime not just the Spring. So many great ideas here.

    • Kristan | 28th Aug 19

      Yes! I feel like the holidays will be here before we know it.

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